Fueled by our faith in Christ and our commitment to community, we provide financial and non-financial support to our communities. Our investments in education, economic empowerment, and entrepreneurship help turn dreams for a better future into reality.



We define community as “common unity”. The work of helping people find the hope needed to believe, work and achieve a better tomorrow for their community is hard work. This work can only be done by selfless people who share the belief that they have been blessed to be a blessing to others. As we form a “common unity” around this thought, we will change the world.


We seek to serve and lift the least of us in our community. Be it those fighting to emerge from poverty to brothers and sisters persecuted worldwide, we will work tirelessly to lift as many as possible from despair.



Historically, communities have been empowered or disadvantaged by their level of access to education. We believe that education means equipping and empower individuals with knowledge and opportunities for liberation for self and others. The Foundation seeks to ensure that all are provided with the education needed to progress. By doing so, it aims to create a level playing field, where education becomes a catalyst for social change, breaking the cycle of disadvantage and enabling individuals to actively contribute to a more just and equitable world. In this broader context, education emerges as a cornerstone for societal progress and liberation, fostering both personal growth and collective well-being.

Economic Empowerment

We believe economic empowerment means providing financial literacy that empowers individuals to impact their families and communities with resources. Through our programs and investments, we empower individuals with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary for enhancing financial well-being. We believe that true economic empowerment goes beyond providing immediate assistance; it involves fostering self-sufficiency and resilience. By strategically investing in programs that empower individuals to navigate and contribute to the economic landscape, we aspire to create lasting positive change, enabling families and communities to thrive and break the cycle of financial vulnerability. Through our commitment to economic empowerment, we aim to build a foundation for long-term prosperity, where individuals are not just recipients of aid but active participants in shaping their economic destinies.


Small business is the economic engine to any community. Small business sparks innovation and provides opportunities to the residents of the community where it is located. Therefore, the Foundation believe that entrepreneurs--business owners who have taken a calculated risk to provide a product, service, or solution for the greater good—are the secret to building stronger communities. By investing and building stronger small businesses, we build wealth and empower communities to prosper.

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